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Capita supports build of NHS Louisa Jordan - Scotland's temporary hospital

20 April 2020

A temporary NHSScotland hospital has been built at the Scottish Events Campus (SEC) in Glasgow. The emergency facility, called NHS Louisa Jordan, will be run by the NHS and could have capacity for more than 1,000 patients.

Capita Technology Solutions has played a key part in supporting the hospital build, co-ordinating the installation of two new circuits on the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) Community of Interest Network to connect the new pop up hospital, the first being connected within two working days. In addition, Capita supported the health board with the provision of the in-building LAN and Wi-Fi solution by delivering necessary equipment and cabling at short notice to support the two-week implementation timescale promoted by the Scottish Government. 

I am astonished by and grateful to SWAN suppliers who have not only offered their expertise but followed up with incredibly dynamic and speedy delivery of goods and services to assist commissioning of NHS Louisa Jordan in an extremely short time, and for their support in the wider NHSGGC eHealth response to the operational modal shifts necessitated by this health crisis.
Calum Morrison, Head of eHealth Operations, NHSGGC
We have been working side-by-side with BT Openreach, Vodafone, National Services Scotland, NHSGGC and SEC teams to install and connect multiple network circuits in this critical emergency facility.
John Bain, Senior Client Director for SWAN, Capita

John continues, "A fully functional hospital needed to be set up within a two-week window and all of the teams worked incredibly hard together.  Network routes were identified and the first was tested within just seven days of us first receiving the request."

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